Arrest, Torture in Pang Hseng

December 5th, 2016 to December 6th, 2016
Pang Hseng
Shan Human Rights Foundation

46 sourcesTATMADAWMin Aung HlaingGeneral, Senior General, Vice Senior General46 sourcesDEPUTY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFOF DEFENCE SERVICESSoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General39 sourcesTATMADAW-KYISoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General54 sourcesJOINT CHIEF OF STAFFMya Htun OoGeneral99 sourcesGENERAL STAFF (ARMY)Kyaw SweLieutenant General96 sources2 BUREAU OF SPECIALOPERATIONS166 sourcesNORTHEASTERN REGIONALMILITARY COMMANDPhone MyatMajor General99 sources33 LIGHT INFANTRY DIVISION116 sources99 LIGHT INFANTRY DIVISIONKhin HlaingBrigadier GeneralArrest, Torture in Pang Hseng

Allegation sources
Sources establishing the command chain