Rape in Momauk Township

October 28th, 2011
Momauk Township
Women's League of Burma

46 sourcesTATMADAWMin Aung HlaingGeneral, Senior General, Vice Senior General46 sourcesDEPUTY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFOF DEFENCE SERVICESSoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General39 sourcesTATMADAW-KYISoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General53 sourcesJOINT CHIEF OF STAFFHla Htay WinGeneral, Lieutenant General93 sources1 BUREAU OF SPECIALOPERATIONSMyint SoeLieutenant General, Major General77 sourcesNORTHERN REGIONAL MILITARYCOMMANDZeyar AungBrigadier General, Major General59 sourcesUNKNOWN TACTICALOPERATIONS COMMAND(NORTHERN REGIONALMILITARY COMMAND)15 sources321 LIGHT INFANTRYBATTALIONRape in Momauk Township

Sources establishing the command chain