Deliberate destruction of civilian houses and property in North Shan State

November 28th, 2012
North Shan State
Kachin Women's Association Thailand

19 sources240 INFANTRY BATTALIONDeliberate destruction ofcivilian houses and property inNorth Shan State46 sourcesTATMADAWMin Aung HlaingGeneral, Senior General, Vice Senior General46 sourcesDEPUTY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFOF DEFENCE SERVICESSoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General26 sources16 MILITARY OPERATIONSCOMMAND37 sourcesGENERAL STAFF (ARMY)35 sourcesJOINT CHIEF OF STAFFHla Htay WinGeneral, Lieutenant General39 sourcesTATMADAW-KYISoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General

Allegation sources
Sources establishing the command chain