Forced Portering in Nansang Township

April 23rd, 2021
Nansang Township
Shan Human Rights Foundation

14 sources574 LIGHT INFANTRYBATTALION12 sources576 LIGHT INFANTRYBATTALIONForced Portering in NansangTownship46 sourcesTATMADAWMin Aung HlaingGeneral, Senior General, Vice Senior General19 sources17 MILITARY OPERATIONSCOMMAND48 sources2 BUREAU OF SPECIALOPERATIONSAung Zaw Aye‡Lieutenant General46 sourcesDEPUTY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFOF DEFENCE SERVICESSoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General41 sourcesGENERAL STAFF (ARMY)Moe Myint HtunLieutenant General57 sourcesJOINT CHIEF OF STAFFMaung Maung AyeGeneral, Lieutenant General39 sourcesTATMADAW-KYISoe WinGeneral, Lieutenant General, Vice Senior General

Sources establishing the command chain